Assalamu Alaikum,
I hope you are all doing well.
Here are some updates:
Math: We have been working on our second unit in Math, NUMERATION. We will be working with numbers from 0 to 1000. The students have been representing and describing numbers such as 894 in a variety of ways and situations. Relationships among numbers and among digits in numbers have been and will be emphasized as students rename, round, compare and order numbers, explore number patterns and develop number sense.
Your child will also work with money amounts up to $10 and work with bills up to $100.
So far students have represented numbers in a variety of ways (ten frames, tally marks, standard form, expanded form, base ten blocks...etc).
Today we started learning how to round numbers to the nearest hundreds and tens.
Reading: We have been working on different reading strategies from our
CAFE MENU while reading to self, and I have been working with some students to reinforce some of these strategies. So far we are focusing on:
Back up and Reread, Predict and Confirm, Visualize, Ask Questions while Reading and Infer.
Insha'Allah we will be working on more reading strategies, and once we are done DRA, I will be sending home a letter with your child, so you can assist your child on using the strategy he/she needs to work on while reading.
We have been also identifying the story elements and the moral when reading our fables.
Writing: We have been working on staying on topic, having a topic sentence and writing compound sentences.
Science: We have been exploring soil layers, uses of soil, what soil is made of and how people and animals benefit from soil. It has been a lot of fun exploring soil and we can't wait till our workshop this Friday where we will get to explore even more!
Social Studies: We are learning about PIONEERS. Why pioneers left their homes, how we think they felt, what their lives were like, and how their lives were different from our lives today.
Islamic Studies: We are learning lessons from the story of Prophet Ibrahim, and how Iman made him brave. We also learned that cleanliness is from the Iman, and how to keep our bodies and our surroundings clean.
- Please make sure you are checking ClassDojo for updates, pictures, your child's points and reminders.
- Always check your child's agenda for homework and assignments.
Have a great day isA :)