Monday 29 September 2014

Terr Fox Run Update

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum

Last Wednesday, the students at Abraar Elementary School participated in the Terry Fox National School Run. I must say that it was a success, MashaAllah! Everyone from grade one to grade six participated either through walking or running. It was heartwarming to see the students participate in such large numbers. In addition, I want to share something incredibly sweet with all of you. The JKs and SKs were not able to run, so they decided to do something to help out. The teachers started "A Toonie for Terry" where each child brings two dollars to help in Terry's cause. I was overjoyed to see the amount of toonies raised.

Pledges are starting to come in, MashaAllah! Please note that all pledges need to be returned to school by October 7, 2014, inshaAllah.

I would like to give a big heartfelt thank you to everyone for their participation and generous donations. Jazakum Allahu Kharain.
Have a wonderful day, inshallah.

Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation.
Abraar School Library: Where Knowledge and Imagination Grow, One Student at a Time.
Secondary Campus: 1085 Grenon Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2B 8L7 | ph.613-820-0044 | fx.613-820-1495
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 | fx. 613-226-2745
Find us on: Facebook | Twitter
Support Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)

Scholastic flyers

Assalamu Alaykom dear parents,

Students receive the scholastic flyers today . Can you please make sure that you do not pay cash. Only cheques are accepted (please make sure that they are payable to SCHOLASTIC CANADA). The deadline for for scholastic orders is OCT 1.

Jazakum Allah khairan,

Tuesday 23 September 2014


AA Parents!

We will start our DRA program tomorrow inshalla. The program is intended to help us as teachers identify the reading level and to recognize which areas need improvement. Once the students are identified with a reading level they will be able to choose appropriate reading material that will help them further develop the language skills.


Language (Spelling Test) Update - Tr. Fatima

AA parents,

This week for spelling we are looking at the short /e/ /i/ and /u/ sound. Spelling test September 26 2014.

  1. else
  2. buzz
  3. finish
  4. head
  5. summer
  6. lift
  7. ready
  8. visit
  9. fence
  10. live
  11. hundred 
  12. edge
  13. minute
  14. nickel 
* I will be sending the spelling test books with their marks every 2 weeks so that you can see how well they are doing. 

Please note that we have started on choosing strong ideas for our writing. 
Rule: choosing a strong idea – a strong idea is specific. That means it is clear cut and exact. Imagine that you will write a story. Which of these ideas is more specific?
1. Autumn 
2. Playing in plies of crunchy, colourful leaves. 
(idea 2 because  it tells about a specific happening in autumn)


Please encourage your child to read everyday for at least 20 - 30 min. 

**Please encourage your child to always underline their titles and remember to date their work.


AA Parents,

Please share this poem with your child - discuss the up coming EID inshalla.


The Month of Hajj is soon to come
To Mecca the people will begin to run
Around the Kaaba they will make Tawaaf
Then, to Arafat they will be off

On Arafat the people will stand
Then the next day Eid Aludha will begin
In the Eid morning together we will pray
Then the rest of the day it is eat, run, and play

Now it is off to Moozdelifah where the pilgrims will stay
Their stop in this place is until the next day
The next place is Mina where the pilgrims will go
At this stop is the Jammrah and pebbles they’ll throw.

The tenth day of Hajj for the pilgrims is busy indeed
But for the rest of the Muslims it is the Eid.
The pilgrims are busy to Mecca they return
They have the hopes that all of these good deeds they will soon earn

One of these acts is sacrificing a sheep
Then they will trim their hair with still the hope of good deeds to reap
Again the pilgrims will make Tawaaf
Then running between Saffa and Marwa they will be off
On the 11th day of Hajj back to Mina they will go
For the next three days at the Jammrah they will throw.
The Hajj for the pilgrims is coming to an end
They are hoping that Allah accepted it all from where they began
There is one more thing that the pilgrims must make
It is seven more times around the Kaaba for Allah’s sake
Back to their lives the pilgrims return
Hoping Allah accepted all that they earned 


Thursday 18 September 2014


AA parents,

Thank you for all the supplies and materials that you brought in for the classroom and for your children.

If you have extra duo-tangs at home please send them with your child. Students need another duo-tang for their writing worksheets and will need more for other units in Social Studies.

Please send with your child another writing notebook. Please do not bring in notebooks with rings on the side.

JAK for all of your support.

Tr. Fatima

This Week Spelling List (Test Friday)

This Week Spelling List (Test Friday)

  1. Bath
  2. Hobby
  3. than
  4. damp
  5. bottle
  6. lots
  7. trash
  8. flock
  9. pocket
  10. flap
  11. odd
  12. gallon
  13. pattern
  14. fact

**4 new spelling words were added that were not there last week

Social Studies - Tr. Fatima

AA Parents,

Here is what we started and will continue to work on in Social Studies. 

Social Studies Unit : Urban and Rural Communities 

A community is a place where people live, work and  share interests.

Urban Community- Can be residential (homes), industrial (factories), or commercial (businesses). 
                        You can find City, Town and the Suburb in an Urban Community

Rural Community- A rural community can be in the country, away from cities and towns. Rural communities have open space, and different kinds of farms (i.e. dairy, fishing, etc). They have fewer people and less traffic than there is in urban communities. 
             You can find the Village, reserve and country in a rural community.

Suburban- A community/town with homes and stores next to or near the city.

Housing- places for people to live

Recreation- things to do for fun

Transportation- a way of moving people or things

Business- places where people work

Land use- how land is used in the community

Shopping- places people go to buy item they need and want

Facilities- places or services that make life easier for people


What type of community is Toronto?

Can be it be considered urban, suburban, and rural, why?

Why do people live in rural, urban and suburban communities, give examples.

Building Communities website 


By the end of this unit your child will:

• identify and compare distinguishing features of urban and rural communities;

• use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process, and communicate geographic information about urban and rural communities;

• explain how communities interact with each other and the environment to meet human needs.

Home Links:
To further your child's understanding of this unit, here are some fun activities for you and your family.
-visit a neighbouring community and discuss the differences and similarities.
-visit an urban community one weekend and a rural community the next and discuss the differences.
-visit provincial websites.
-spend time looking at maps and discussing what the various symbols mean.
Happy Adventures! 

After this unit 

We will learn more about the map of Canada (provinces and territories) - natural resources in certain areas.

QURAN UPDATE - Tr. Ibtissam

Assalamu Alaykum,

My name is Ibtissam Chehade, I am the Quran teacher for levels 1, 2 and 3. I am certified to teach in tajwid, as I have received an ijaza about 10 years ago. 

I have also been teaching quran and tajwid for more than four years at Al-furqan and Dar Assuna. I have taught both adults and children.
InshAllah I hope that we will have a beneficial and successful year with your children.
If you have any questions and concerns, please feel free to contact me at

Mathematics: Patterning - Tr. Hajer

Assalamu Alaykom dear parents,

Attached below is a link for some math practice for today's lesson:

We have already seen how to extend a pattern (by figuring out what rule the pattern is following), and the 3 types of patterns: Growing, Shrinking, and repeating patterns.

Jazakum Allah khairan,

Tr. Hajer
Hajer Ben Abid, B.Ed., M.A.
Grade 3B homeroom teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The National School Terry Fox Run Day

The National School Terry Fox Run Day

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Assalamu Alaikum

Abraar School is pleased to be hosting the annual National School Terry Fox Run Day.  This year, it will be on Wednesday, September 24, 2014. All monies raised through our event will be forwarded to The Terry Fox Foundation to further the cause of cancer research.  In addition, our walk/run will be on school grounds. Teachers and supervisors will be on hand to supervise and assist students along the way.

In addition, a permission slip and pledge form will be sent home with the grades 1 to 6 students onFriday, September 19, 2014. All students are encouraged to take part.  Let us keep Terry’s dream to find a cure for cancer alive. For more information, please visit 

Thank you for your support in this crucial fight against cancer.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Tr. Nancy,
Event Organizer

Tuesday 16 September 2014


Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!
Dear Parents,

My name is Madame Amina Ould-brahim and I am your child French this year. I have been at Abraar School since 2008 and each First Day of School is a new exciting day for me and this year is no exception.
I am looking forward to a very successful year, Insha’a Allah, and I know you are too. I have high expectations for your child and I will do all what I can to help him / her to meet these expectations, Insha’a Allah!

Here is how you can help. I will be expecting all work assigned in class to be completed. Of course, all children do not work at the same pace. Some children will get their work done in class and some will not. Whether or not your child gets his or her work done in class has no effect on their grade. If your child does not complete an assignment in class, he or she will be required to complete it at home. The way you can help is to ask your child every school day if any schoolwork needs to be done, and if so, make sure your child completes the assignment.
Class rules and rewards/consequences
During French class, we have set the following rules in order to promote and maintain a safe learning environment.

French Curriculum:

In the New Ontario Core French curriculum, the expectations are organized into 4 strands corresponding to the 4 main areas of language use. These strands are listening speaking, reading and writing.
The difference with the previous curriculum is that oral communication is split into listening and speaking and weights 50% in the curriculum instead of 33%.
Aim language approach helps students to:
  1. Be able to communicate in authentic situation and to develop spontaneous oral communication through repetition of the vocabulary.
  2. To learn word-meaning relationships through gesture without relying on English translation.
  3. To connect emotionally to the content of their French as a Second Language course through familiar stories.
  4. To develop an awareness of language conventions (syntax and grammar) through gesture.
Please check the following websites for more details.
During September, we will focus on oral communication to enrich and to review our vocabulary so students can interact in class discussions in French and we will review some grammar concepts.
This year, Insha’a Allah, students will have:
  1. One spelling test each month.
  2. Reading a book and completing a book report each other month.
  3. Grammar worksheet based on the lesson covered.
Class work is expected to be completed in class and on time. However, because students do not work at the same pace, any uncompleted class work must be finished at home. If for any reason, it is not done; students are given a last chance to finish it during recess time.
You may help me in checking your child’s agenda and the class blog on a daily basis to encourage him/her to do the homework regularly as your child has only one long recess where he/she can enjoy the fresh air and play with his/her friend.
As I am going to emphasize that only French is spoken during French class for all grades, students may find it challenging at the beginning but Insha’a Allah, as they will acquire more vocabulary, they will gain confidence in using it spontaneously in class and outside the class.
The French Long range Plan will be posted in your child class ‘blog as soon as it becomes available.
The success of this program cannot be achieved without your cooperation and your support. You may help by staying involved in your child’s education and emphasizing for him/her the importance of speaking only French in French class. Engage your child in conversation about his/her French class while understanding that students are not always able to articulate their experiences.
Finally, I want you to know that one of my most important goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you Insha’a Allah. To keep you updated, I will post French News in the class’ blog. I will also send you a note in your child agenda or an email or call you whenever there is very important information to be shared.

Should you have any questions or concerns during the year, please feel free to contact me by:

Sending a note in your child‘s agenda, or Calling the school at: 613- 226 - 1396, or
Sending an email.

Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your cooperation and your support.

Dr.Amina Ould-brahim,
French teacher and Science Coordinator
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation
Secondary Campus: 1085 Grenon Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2B 8L7 | ph.613-820-0044 | fx.613-820-1495
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 | fx. 613-226-2745

Find us on: Facebook | Twitter
Support Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)

Monday 15 September 2014

Science Update - Tr. Hajer

AA Dear Parent,

We are beginning our Science and Technology Unit, Forces and Movement. By the end of this unit, your child will:
- demonstrate an understanding of how movement is caused by forces and by energy that is stored and then released;
- investigate how different forces affect the operation of everyday devices, and design and construct devices that use a form of energy to create controlled movements;
- identify objects, devices, and systems in everyday life that are affected by forces and movement and explain in what ways they are useful to us.

Home Links:
To help your child further their understanding in this science unit, visit the link below for some fun activities and interactive quizzes for you and your family:

Jazakum Allah Khairan,
Tr. Hajer

Spelling Test Friday

This Week Spelling List (Test Friday)

  1. Bath
  2. Hobby
  3. than
  4. damp
  5. bottle
  6. lots
  7. trash
  8. flock
  9. pocket
  10. flap
  11. odd
  12. gallon
  13. pattern
  14. fact

**4 new spelling words were added that were not there last week

Language Update

Dear Parents,

Over the next weeks in sh'Allah, your child will be studying various topics in Language Arts:

For writing your child will begin to: generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience (Journal Writing).
Spelling: Writing out familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary words. (looking specifically at short /a/ and short /o/ sounds).

Eventually, sometime this week or next - there will be explicit lessons for writing (Journal Writing - including topic sentences, supporting information etc..)

For Reading: What is reading? Why do we read? Is there only one way of reading? What are the different types of text people can read and for what purpose?



Mathematics - Tr. Hajer

Dear parents,

Over the next weeks in sh'Allah, your child will be learning about patterns: both repeating patterns and growing or shrinking patterns. The goal will be for your child to identify, describe, extend, and create patterns. For repeating patterns, the focus will be on naming attributes of patterns and how those attributes change. The focus for growing or shrinking patterns will be on the start number and the amount that is added or subtracted each time.Throughout this time, you and your child may engage in activities such as the following:
  • Your child can look around for repeating patterns and create a list of these. They can ask and answer questions about the patterns, such as "what attributes are changing in the pattern?" (for example, colour: blue, red, blue, red, blue, repeat; size: small, big, big, small, repeat) and "what is the part of the pattern that repeats?"
  • Your child can decorate items using repeating patterns. For example, they can create their own notepaper or cards by making a repeating pattern around the edge. They can use shapes, names, and colours for these patterns.
  • Your child can make and use a 100 chart at home to show growing or shrinking patterns. For example, they can start with an item that costs $4, then add eleven $3 items to the "bill." (They can use the repeat function on a calculator, if possible, to find each new number.) After they mark the numbers on the 100 chart with counters or circles, they can describe the pattern they see and explain the pattern rule.
Please refer to the At-Home help section on each workbook page. I will be sending the workbooks tomorrow in sh'Allah. Students have to do the At Home help p 1. Please remind your child to bring the workbook back to class the next morning. It is really important that they have their workbooks with them or else they won't be able to work in class.

Jazakum Allah Kheir,

Tr. Hajer

Monday September 15 2014 - Agendas!

AA Parents,

Please note that Agendas were sent home Friday. This is a good tool for students to use and gain responsibility from. They are responsible for writing their homework down. The students are also responsible to show you their agendas everyday. Please make sure your child has an agenda bag or pouch. The pouch or agenda bag can be found at the dollar store, this will help keep the agenda and homework free from spills and damage.

Happy Agenda Writing

P.S I am missing a few emails form parents. Please send me an email with your Child's name in the Subject box (indicate if you are the mother or Father) - I would like have have emails from both parents if possible. This is to ensure that you get any updates, comments, photos that I otherwise would not post on the blog.

Thank you again

Tuesday 9 September 2014


Assalamu alaykum Parents

As a class we came up with a wish list. Feel free to donate what you can!

Thank you to parents who have already donated!!!! I will be crossing out the ones that we recieved.

Jazakum Allah Khairan

SchoolCenter Picture

  • recreational board games 

  • educational board games 

  • Recess equipment (soccer ball, skipping ropes etc...)

  • Old magazines (for projects).  Please use good judgement when passing on magazines to this age group! Please also ensure they are Islamically appropriate. 

  • Hard or soft cover books for our Reading Center. (example Dr. Seuss, Are We There Yet , How to Train your Dragon) - these are only examples  

  • Construction Paper 

  • Paper products - plates, cups, napkins, spoons.

  • Clorox (or any brand) disinfecting wipes (we clean tables daily).

  • tissue box

  • Hand sanitizer 

  • Projector (for interactive learning/presentations)

  • TV For the classroom

Friday 5 September 2014



AA. Parents 

I am Tr. Fatima teaching grade 3 at Abraar school. I am the homeroom teacher for 3A. I pray that this year will go smoothly inshallah.

Tr. Hajer teaches your students mathematics and science, while I teach his 3B class language arts and social studies.

Our big focus in Language Arts is Reading. we are exploring specific aspects of what reading is. More specifically we are answering questions like "Why do we read?" "How do we become better readers?" Students are encouraged to ask questions before, during and after they read. With regards to homework students will be asked to read for at least 15 min.

Our big focus in Social Studies is reviewing concepts from last year. The students have been working on the concept of community. The students are reviewing the definition of community and understanding the features/characteristics found in a community.

 Islamic Studies  - we are discussing the importance of building good character.

Parents if you have not done so already please send me an email with your child's name in the subject line to

Our class will also come up with a Wish List inshalla for the classroom.


Tr. Fatima