Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Language/Social Studies Update - MARCH BREAK

AA Parent,

I hope all is well!. I just wanted to let you know that we have been working on the Spelling Spectrum Weekly. I want to thank you for your support at home - almost all the students are finally getting this complete on time.
We have started our proof editing at home and in class. This is great practice for students to catch simple common mistakes found in writing. Focus is on (Punctuation; periods, commas, spelling, language usage, quotation etc.) - I am finding that students are really enjoying this.

In class:

Writing: We are looking at different ways to organize our writing. For example, we are currently focusing on a rule: Write a bold beginning to grab your reader's attention. Students looked at different methods to help grab the readers attention.
1. Use a quotation
2. Create a feeling of mystery
3. Use sound words
4. Ask a question

a) Joe was walking his dog in the moonlight.     b) Something was different about the sky that                                                                                  night as Joe walked his dog.

Students had to circle the beginning that was more attractive; then decide which method was being used.

So, in this case - the method used: Create a feeling of mystery (is what the author used to grab the readers attention)

We are having our weekly guided reading sessions with the help of Tr. Naaz.
Focusing on our reading Strategies - Monitor, inference (predict), question, summarize, connect,

Homework for over the March Break,

Spelling Spectrum Week 23 There will be a spelling test the Monday they come back inshalla
Practice booklet: 4 worksheets (vocabulary, compound, words, short vowels, comprehension)

Social Studies, 

We are looking at Early Settlers (comparing our life with the life of a Pioneer). We are also looking at text features (importance of having a title, pictures, captions etc.)