EQAO 2014-2015
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your child will be participating in the Education Quality
and Accountability Office’s (EQAO’s) Assessment of Reading, Writing and
Mathematics, in the Grade 3/6 Division. The test
dates are June 3, 4, and 5. Please
ensure students come to school on those days and arrive on time.
six one-hour sessions, students will complete a variety of assessment activities
designed to allow them to demonstrate their skills and knowledge relating to
reading, writing and mathematics as described in The Ontario Curriculum. There will be 2
sessions per day, with a break in between. The assessment is administered
province-wide and is developed by Ontario teachers and assessment experts to
reflect curriculum expectations.
EQAO has developed
a “Parent’s Guide to EQAO Tests” and “Questions and Answers for Parents”
(available in 20 languages) to give you more information about the assessments
and an understanding of what to expect. To access these resources, go to the
EQAO Web site (www.eqao.com), click “Parent
Resources” and then select “Primary Division (Grades 1–3) and Junior Division
(Grades 4–6).”
Attached is a
‘Snack Form’ for the classes, please fill it out if you are interested in
providing snacks for the day. If you have any questions, please contact the school
or your child’s teacher. (form sent home)
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohammad Saleem