Friday, 30 October 2015

Message from Arabic teacher Tr Salam

اللغة العربية – تلاميذ المدرسة / سلام
الواجب المنزلي للاثنين 2/11 ان شاء الله :
*تكملة حل تدريب ( 1) ص 20
*التدريب على القراءة الصحيحة ،بصوت مرتفع لدرس ( في المسجد) ص 18
*مراجعة معاني الكلمات للدرس :
- فرغ  =  أكمل
- شاهد  =  رأى
- انصرف  =  ذهب

Arabic H.W. for Tr Sahar's Students

الصف الثالث                             الاسم :---------
Make sentence from these words:        
رتب الكلمات التالية لتشكل جملة مفيدة :
القفص – في - وضع  –   من   –   هذه –   العصافير


القفص  -   العصافير  –   من   –   أخرجوا


Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Message from Tr Salam-Arabic Teacher

الصف الثالث الابتدائي ( المعلمة سلام بسيسو)
الواجب المنزلي للغد الخميس 29/10 ، ان شاء الله :
*التدريب على القراءة الصحيحة بصوت مرتفع لدرس (في المسجد) ص 18
*دراسة معاني الكلمات الاتية :
فرغ  =  أنهى
شاهد  =  رأى
انصرف  =  ذهب
*وضع كل كلمة مما يأتي في جملة صحيحة بسيطة من انشاء الطالب ، وكتابتها بخط جميل على كراسة الواجب المنزلي  :
فرغ  -  شا هد  - انصرف
(ومن الاهمية اجادة الطالب قراءة ما يكتبه من جمل )
                                                                             جزاكم الله خيرا
يمكنكم دوما التواصل معي عبر الايميل

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Arabic Test for Tr Sahar's Students

Gr :3                                         
Dictation Spelling Test  on Friday 30 /10
أسد يزأر  
غزال يجري 
Tr. Sahar,
Arabic and Quran Teacher,

Monday, 26 October 2015

Spelling words for this week

Dear Parents,
Here are the Spelling words for this week.Test will be on Friday 30 October 2015.

  1. cool
  2. rule
  3. lose
  4. noon
  5. true
  6. move
  7. mood
  8. grew
  9. clue
  10. scoop

Message from (Arabic teacher) Tr Sahar

Alsalamu Alaikom,

I would like to note that this year we are following a new system for the arabic courses, where each grade is divided into two levels. The way it is divided: there are 16 levels, starting at grade one (level 1) and ending in grade eight (level 16). In the third grade that i teach based on the new system, is level 5. Therefore to follow up with the class and read the material, please look under the title: Grade 3, Level 5, Tr. Sahar.

Jazakumullahu khairan,
Tr. Sahar,
Arabic and Quran Teacher,
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation

Quran Test

Dear Parents,

Students have Quran test on Surah At-Takweer on Thursday Oct-29


Math Home Work

Dear Parents,
Please note Math homework.
Students have to do page 9 of the Nelson Mathematics Workbook.

Islamic studies Test

Dear Parents
Students will have their End of the Chapter Test on Monday 2 November 2015.Its Unit B "Stories of Ibrahim".Students will bring home their text books and workbooks over the weekend.Students are allowed to take the books home during the week as well,If they can bring them back everyday.

Arabic updates from Tr Salam

السلام عليكم :
أود الاشارة الى ....اننا هذا العام اتبعنا نظاما جديدا ، بشكل متسلسل ، في تحديد مستوى  التلاميذ باللغة العربية  في جميع الفصول  الدراسية من الصف الاول الى الثامن ، فلم نعد نحدد مستوى التلميذ الى ناطق و غير ناطق ، و لكن مستوى التلميذ في اللغة هو الاساس الذي يحدد مستواه ( هل هو في المستوى المرتفع أم المستوى الاقل ) و ذلك لمساعدة التلميذ للاقبال على تعلم اللغة برغبة ، و للنهوض بمستواه للافضل بشكل تدريجي .
حيث تم تحديد المستويات لجميع الفصول  الى 16 مستوى ، ابتداء من الصف الاول الابتدائي ( المستوى 1 )  و ختاما بالصف الثامن ( المستوى 16 ).

الصف الثالث الذي أقوم بتدريسه لهذا العام هو ( الصف الثالث الابتدائي – المستوى 6  - و هو المستوى المرتفع للصف الثالث )  و هذا للعلم ... و الله ولي التوفيق.                     المدرسة / سلام بسيسو

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Math Updates

Dear Parents,
  1. From Monday, we are starting our next Chapter “Numeration”.Over the next few weeks, your child will be working with numbers from 0 to 1000. The students will represent and describe numbers such as 894 in a variety of ways and situations. Relationships among numbers and among digits in numbers will be emphasized as students round, compare and order numbers, explore number patterns and develop number sense and place value, your child will also work with money to estimate , count, and write money amounts up to $ 10 and work with bills up to $ 100.
  2. Students have brought home their previous Chapter Test results.Their tests have been marked and corrected by the teacher.I would encourage all the parents to go through the test mistakes with your child and correct the mistakes with them.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Arabic Homework from Teacher Salam

الاملاء للخميس القادم  22 /10 ان شاء الله ، في الاتي :
نبيل   -    أنيسة   -   عنب   -   نبات   -   أبناء   -   نبني

Quran Test

Dear Parents,

Please practice with your child Surah At-Takweer Ayah 24-29


Spelling Words for this week

Dear Parents,
Here are the Spelling words for this week.The Test will be on Friday 23 Oct 2015


Deadline for all Terry Fox School Run Pledges and monies

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
I hope this email finds you well and in good health.
I hope that your fundraising for the Terry Fox Run is going well, inshaAllah. It is wonderful to see so many pledges already coming in!
Please note that Monday, October 26, is the deadline to return all Terry Fox School Run Pledges and monies to the library.
Thank you for your help in this crucial fight against cancer. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.
Nancy-Ann Brethour

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Arabic Homework from Tr Salam

واجب اللغة العربية :
اختبار قراءة الخميس القادم 15 /10، ان شاء الله ، في الاتي  :
- درس بلال يعود الى المدرسة  ص  10
-  الان نمر ص 14
*سيقرأ الطالب من الكتاب المقرر ، و سيطلب منه أيضا  أن يقرأ بعض مفردات متفرقة من الدرسين السابقين ، مكتوبة على بطاقات .

*سيتم تقييم الطالب على القراءة الصحيحة القائمة على التهجئة الصحيحة ، الصوت الواضح ، و النطق السليم .

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


Dear Parents,
Insha'Allah we will be taking all students on a trip to MACSKIMMING OUTDOOR REC. on 21 OCT.,2015
I have sent out the Trip Information and Parent Permission forms today.Please send in the signed permission slips.Without forms, students cannot go on the trip.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Scholastic book orders

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

Today, students will be bringing home Scholastic book orders. You may choose to purchase books that are age and culture appropriate. Parents can pay online or write cheques payable to scholastic Canada.I would  really appreciate if you can return your orders by Friday 16 October 2015.

Please encourage your kid to read daily!!

CTBS test (October 14-16)

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatuhu

We will be administering the Canadian Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS) to our students in Grades 3-8 from October 14-16, 2015. These tests are good assessment tools that will enable the school to identify student achievement in major curriculum areas including vocabulary, reading, language, mathematics, and science.

The tests do not need any preparation or studying.  The main reason we are administering the CTBS is to provide us, the parents, and the teachers an opportunity to see the academic level of Abraar Students so we can identify appropriate educational interventions.


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Important dates for Next week

Dear Parents,
Please note down the important dates for next week.

Ø  Students have Spelling Test on Tuesday 13th October 2015.(See below for Spelling words)

Ø  Math Homework : Nelson Mathematics 3 Workbook pg. 7&8 due on Tuesday 13th Oct.2015

Ø  Students have Math Chapter Test on Monday 19th October 2015.

Spelling words

1.       Goal
2.       Fail
3.       Away
4.       Most
5.       Alone
6.       Awake
7.       Chase
8.       Crayon
9.       Coach
10.   Raise


Monday, 5 October 2015

TOONIE TUESDAYS!! (Starting from 6 OCT 2015)

Asalamu-Alaikum Parent(s),

PST would like to present.......TOONIE TUESDAYS!! 

The first Tuesday of every month is a time for students to come to school without their uniform if they bring a Toonie. [$2 in any form is acceptable but toonies are preferable]

Please encourage your child to participate by NOT wearing his/her uniform and bringing a toonie.

The money collected is given to the PST and is part of fundraising for the school.

Quran Homework


Please help your child to practice Surah At-Takweer Ayah 16-23


Friday, 2 October 2015

Math Homework

Dear Parents,
Students have been assigned Math homework today.
Nelson Mathematics 3 Workbook pg 4.

Note: Please check their agendas for important information about Math Pop Quiz.