Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Dear Parents,

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am very happy to have your child in my classroom. I have just completed my Bachelor of Education from the University of Ottawa and got certified. Prior to that I got a Bachelor of Science from the University of Ottawa and a Masters from Johns Hopkins University. I chose to teach because I love children and I love to see them grow emotionally, academically and socially.

I believe that by all of us working together we can make this a very successful year. I consider it of prime importance that you be an active part of your child's education.

It is important that you and your child be informed of my standards of classroom behavior so everyone knows what is expected. I have always found parents to be very supportive of good classroom behavior so their child has a good environment for maximum learning. I am attaching a copy of our classroom rules. If your child develops any difficulty conforming to the rules, I will notify you. As well, I hope that you will advise me if at any time your child has a problem, academic, social, or emotional. Should your child become discouraged or fearful about school, please communicate with me so that we can discover the cause of the problem.

Also note that if you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, I am available for meetings (by appointment please) each day before and after school. To schedule a meeting, you may contact me via my school email.

I will be using the blog for parent communication, so make sure you check the blog frequently.

I am excited about working with your child. I welcome questions or comments, and am looking forward to a great year!

Please feel free to contact me if you need anything else