Tuesday, 19 November 2013

PTI Night & Early Dismissal (Nov.22)

PTI Night & Early Dismissal (Nov.22) 

Parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers during the Parent/Teacher Interview Night on Friday, November, 22 from 4-8 pm. Appointment reservation slips will be sent out today, inshaallah. Please note that there will be an early dismissal at 12 pm for students on Nov.22 in order to allow teachers to prepare for the PTI Night. Parents are requested to pick up students at 12 pm on Friday, Nov.22

During the PTI, I will meet with each family for 15min MAX. Please wait outside the gym until it is your turn. Please be aware that I will stop the meeting at 15min to ensure that there is enough time for the next family. 

Thank you for your understanding!