Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Welcome Back!!! Update for January

Asalamu Alaykum Parents!

I wanted to wish you well and that I hope you all enjoyed your winter break.

In Mathematics we are reviewing adding and subtracting. More specifically we are practicing subtraction of 2-digit numbers. We will be doing this until the end of the week. I've planned a QUIZ on WEDNESDAY JAN 14 (next week tomorrow). The quiz will have subtraction questions (word problems and number problems) and a few addition questions. Please help your child practice subtraction at home. In class we have been practicing using base ten blocks. Our next unit is Measurement!

In Language we have been sharing our Daily Journals in class. Students have been excited to read them in class. We are also working on grammar (Nouns, proper nouns, verbs, sentence writing (capital letters... etc). We will have an end of unit quiz on the things we have been practicing soon. Our Next steps are to focus on a specific type of writing called Persuasive Writing - stay tuned to find out more!

In Science we will be exploring a new unit on Movement and how it is all around us.

In Social Studies we will be exploring a new unit on Pioneers and Early Settlers. Students will be able to compare modern life v.s Pioneer life.

Our new unit in Islamic Studies is called Mawlid Nabawi - the objective is to 1 . help students develop Muslim character including a strong connections with Allah 2. provide students with Islamic education that deliberately instills in them self discipline and important life skills 3 ensuring that character of the school reflects Islam.

Starting next week - I will be helping students prepare for the EQAO testings. All preparations will be connected the the current curriculum expectations for Math and Language.