Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,
I would like to inform that grade 4 students have a small project on My family. The due date is Monday, January 13, 2014
I am attaching the details of the project.
Students were given the vocabulary in class and the project's outlines were explained in detail.
Just a few reminders that:
- this is the student work (if any help is needed, they can ask me any time) not parents's work.
- students are required to write directly in French even if the sentences are not perfect or contain some English vocabulary
- students are required to write their own sentences that they understand.
- students can not copy French sentences from any website. This is called plagiarism. However they can use the sentences we did in class as they are from the students.
- students are not allowed to write in English and use Google translator (it will show) but they can use the on-line dictionary to translate some words.
Jazakum Allah kheiran for your cooperation and support,
Projet :
Ton projet doit avoir les informations suivantes ;
• Ta photo ou dessin. Ecris sous ta photo : Me voici
• La ou les photos des membres de ta famille et écris les mots que tu sais : mon père, ma
mère (utilise les mots de la dictée 3)
• Ecris une activité que tu aimes faire avec ta famille. Regarde les phrases que tu as écris
en classe.
Exemple :
J’aime regarder la télévision avec ma famille.
J’aime jouer dans la neige avec mon frère/ ma sœur.
Tu peux présenter ton projet sous forme :
• D’un poster ou d’un petit livret.
Tu peux découper et décorer ton livret ou ton poster.
Utilise ton imagination et ta créativité.
The project can be typed or handwritten. The pictures can be drawn Students are evaluated:
• on the sentence, spelling mistakes (if there are too much),
• neatness
• originality and creativity.