AA Parents,
Students should be able to go on:
www.frontrowed.com click on student sign in.
Type their name and class code svqjpa
How to Use Front Row
Download the iOS App or use on the Web
Download the app onto your iPad(s) or have students log in from the Chrome browser (Chromebooks are strongly recommended) at student.frontrowed.com. Remember that you don't need one iPad per student, you can rotate as few as 1-3 devices among your class. A student will be able to log into her personal account from any device.
Students Sign Up
A student using Front Row for the first time can sign herself up without your assistance straight from the app: all they need is their first and last names, and your unique class code, see above Here's how. If you'd still rather create student accounts yourself, you can do so from the Class Roster tab in this dashboard.

Baseline Assessment
In order to use the app, your class must first take a baseline assessment, which will automatically start the first time. Front Row uses this to start tracking progress for each one of your students, and to immediately provide adaptive content. When your students log into the app for the first time and choose a Common Core Math domain, they will immediately start the baseline assessment. The assessment can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on how far into the content your students are.

The Power of Data
With the assessment out of the way, you can now use all of Front Row's features. Consult the Report Card, give your students personalized Printables as homework, see which groups of students you can pull aside for a group lesson, and find out more about each Common Core standard you can teach them.

Weekly Practice
Have your students practice 2-3x a week for about 20 minutes a session to always have the latest individual progress information, and to have Front Row accelerate their learning with its tens of thousands of bespoke exercises.