Monday, 15 September 2014

Mathematics - Tr. Hajer

Dear parents,

Over the next weeks in sh'Allah, your child will be learning about patterns: both repeating patterns and growing or shrinking patterns. The goal will be for your child to identify, describe, extend, and create patterns. For repeating patterns, the focus will be on naming attributes of patterns and how those attributes change. The focus for growing or shrinking patterns will be on the start number and the amount that is added or subtracted each time.Throughout this time, you and your child may engage in activities such as the following:
  • Your child can look around for repeating patterns and create a list of these. They can ask and answer questions about the patterns, such as "what attributes are changing in the pattern?" (for example, colour: blue, red, blue, red, blue, repeat; size: small, big, big, small, repeat) and "what is the part of the pattern that repeats?"
  • Your child can decorate items using repeating patterns. For example, they can create their own notepaper or cards by making a repeating pattern around the edge. They can use shapes, names, and colours for these patterns.
  • Your child can make and use a 100 chart at home to show growing or shrinking patterns. For example, they can start with an item that costs $4, then add eleven $3 items to the "bill." (They can use the repeat function on a calculator, if possible, to find each new number.) After they mark the numbers on the 100 chart with counters or circles, they can describe the pattern they see and explain the pattern rule.
Please refer to the At-Home help section on each workbook page. I will be sending the workbooks tomorrow in sh'Allah. Students have to do the At Home help p 1. Please remind your child to bring the workbook back to class the next morning. It is really important that they have their workbooks with them or else they won't be able to work in class.

Jazakum Allah Kheir,

Tr. Hajer